Poster Design
Poster Designs
Writers in Baltimore School | 2020
By Damira Grant, Grade 12, Bard High School Early College
“I see you LOOKING but are you actually SEEING?
In the visual graveyards I see all of my people awaiting their turn to see what once they thought they knew.
We all have been tricked at birth to look at only what the government placed upon us. We were born with a heavy iron veal over our eyes distorting the image at which of eyes longed to see.
Sadly we have yet found the key to unlock the iron veal from ourselves. We conformed to the restriction code because we can only get but so far before the bullets of government start to fire against. As an individual it’s easy to move faster but as a whole you can move stronger.
Due so we become satisfied and comfortable with the living placements we are given. In Baltimore City there are neighborhoods right next to each other that dominate with 1 specific race. Let me give you part of the code now...Belair-Edison/ Hartford Road predominantly Black, Highland town/ Patterson Park predominantly Hispanic, Fells Point/ Downtown area predominantly White. These areas are close yet separated by race. As your journey through these areas the entire atmosphere changes from dark, dirty and gloomy to bright and clean. Within minutes from another.
No crowbar, no wrench, no screw driver, no hammer can break the code… have you not noticed?
We have been manipulated as the human race to not use the tools that were given to us at birth… OUR MINDS ...The key to breaking the iron veal is KNOWLEDGE. As simple as that. But we all don’t share the same upbringings to have and share the tools which were given to us. Some of us don’t even know the strength at which we bestow within us.
They have mastered bestowing the blind eye strategy upon us to prevent a change in the hierarchy. The saying “strong minds think alike” was no false tale. But to keep that only a quote and not a revolution there is only two solutions. SEPARATE THE MINDS, and Manipulate to the ideas of “there is no longer SEGREGATION”. When I’m fact there is but the world is selfish and cruel. Sharing could be caring but it can also result in death. Sadly another strong mind put to rest and all the knowledge of breaking the iron veal permanently silenced within them.”
Land of Nothing | 2018
Commissioned by Amine Kouider, who is an award-winning filmmaker and founding member of David Lynch Foundation Television. He has worked as the producer, director, director of photography, and editor on projects around the world, including subjects such as high-security prisons, street children in Colombia, homeless men in New York City, refugees in Uganda, teenage prostitutes in Los Angeles, Buddhist nuns in Thailand, and Pandits in India. Amine graduated from the inaugural David Lynch MA in Film in 2014. His current projects include the feature-length documentary M’ma Hasna – la Rockeuse du Desert, and a surrealist narrative short film, The Land of Nothing.
Teaser on Vimeo: